November 1, All Saints’ Day, is a day for remembrance of those who have departed. Commemorated across Europe it is especially observed in Poland. As well as remembering personal losses among family and friends, with religious processions taking place in cemeteries across Poland and Polish communities abroad, we also remember the recent national tragedy of Smolensk where on April 10, 2010 the nation was united in mourning for those who died in the plane crash. They represented Polish government and clergy, as well as leading figures of the Polish community in the UK. They included Ryszard Kaczorowski, last Polish President-in-exile whose widow Lady Kaczorowska is first honorary patron of ORLA.fm. We recall the events through our first report on that fateful April Saturday with this bulletin read by Artur Skupienski in the hope the losses of all in the plane crash will never be forgotten. © ScriptEase Ltd 2021. All rights reserved