What you will hear

Since November 2014, ORLA.fm no longer streams live. We now offer podcasts, or polcasts, which you can listen to when you like and as often as you like. You can get more information about our expanding library of shows and archives by signing up today free to our newsletter from the home page. It’s called the Listening Post. It will arrive in your inbox only after we have uploaded new content.

You can stream or download the shows to your PC, tablet or smartphone. This means you can even listen when you are not connected to the Internet. And don’t forget we are on iTunes too so you can subscribe to us on there , and you don’t need an iPhone to do so.

ORLA.fm has overhauled its offer to listeners.

In place of our previous two channels. ORLA Now and ORLA Classic, we now offer occasional cultural polcasts as well as radio archives, plus Walker’s World (EN) – an original ORLAfm polcasts introduced by presenter Peter Walker since 2022.

ORLA.fm polcasts are by default in English language (EN) but where they are presented in Polish this will be marked “PL”.

Among archives you will find:


  • London Bridge – a weekly social affairs programme hosted by George Matlock between 2006 and 2015, with co-hosts “Fine” Art Skupienski, Peter Walker and Kingsley Hamilton. EN
  • Oginski Musical Dynasty – a series of eight shows, four in Polish and four in English documenting the fascinating true story of the man who reputedly wrote the Polish national anthem as well as Farewell to the Fatherland, Prince Michal Kleofas Oginski. A direct descendent of Oginski, Iwo Zaluski narrates the gripping story of Oginski as well as a 200-year succession of musical writers in this dynastical family. EN/PL
  • Radio Plays – over the years ORLA.fm has become the only Polonia media to promote audio plays, working with theatre groups such as that run by Michal Karski on major productions designed specifically for radio. These have included subjects such as composer Frederik Chopin and military champ Jan Sobieski. EN
  • UK Polish – in 2006 to 2007 ORLA.fm worked with Capital FM owner Global Radio to produce weekly shows called UK Polish. We worked with publications like Goniec Polski and Polish Express in the process but were the only consistent radio host of these shows. We have located many of these podcast shows from our archives. PL